Hey Ya'll. Sorry I've been MIA for a while. The shop is really keeping us hopping...ain't that great??!! It is sooooo much work, but we really love it. I've been making tarts almost every night and whew, it's hard to keep up with everything. I've been slowly closing out my Etsy and Ebay stores. Probably won't close Ebay completely, but trying to just save some precious time somewhere. And since the things seem to be doing real good in the shop, I've just been taking them down there.
Just wanted everyone to know, even tho I haven't been posting, ya'll are still in my heart and in my prayers. And just in case I get busy and don't get a chance to post....hope everyone has a GREAT Thanksgiving. Let's all eat a big ole bunch of turkey.....and remember what we have to be thankful for :)
Love all ya'll,
I am so happy for y'all! I'm very glad that things are going so well. Take care!
How wonderful that your shop is doing so well. I pray that God continues to pour out His rich blessings upon you!
Congrats on the shop! Glad you got signed up for my holiday coffee giveaway, you mentioned you couldn't afford the fancy creamers, I have a recipe for pumpkin spice creamer on my blog, just go to my blog, search for pumpkin creamer and it should come up, alot cheaper to make! :)
Love you stuff..you should do mail order!!
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